Bramblehaies Surgery

College Road, Cullompton, Devon, EX15 1TZ

Telephone: 01884 33536

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Healthcare Team

Other key staff members:

Practice Pharmacy Team


Our Advanced Pharmacist Practitioner, Gail, assists the practice team two mornings a week, dealing with patient medication queries, discharge medication reconciliation, pharmacy stock issues, chronic condition medication reviews and advising on diabetes medication.

Our Pharmacy Technician, Louise, assists the practice team four days a week, dealing with patient/care home medication queries, medication reconciliation post discharge, repeat/alternative medication requests, alternative medication requests, issues with medications, synchronising medications, compliance issues/new patient blister packs.


Social Prescribing Link Worker – Lauriel

Laura is our social prescribing link worker and is accessed through referral only

Patients can be referred to see Laura for any social care support, whether this is to link them to a support group for a newly diagnosed health condition or multiple long-term conditions, lonely or isolated, or who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing i.e., money and debt issues, domestic abuse, or employment, or need support with their mental health.

For more information on the role of a Social Prescriber, please click on the link below: –


Health & Wellbeing Coach – Ruth

Working alongside our Social Prescriber – patients can be referred to see Ruth for assistance and support to look after and manage their own physical and mental health, including newly diagnosed diabetics.



Mental Health Worker – Bryn

Bryn works here at the practice on Tuesdays/Wednesdays consulting with patients that have been referred to him by the GPs. He aims to explore what your mental health needs are in a holistic manner and can provide brief interventions as well as signposted to suitable services to help.



First Contact Practitioner – Jamie

Working here once/week.  Patients can be referred to see James for any back, next or joint pain. James has specialist skills and can assess and diagnose issues providing advice on how best to manage conditions.



Care Home Team – Dave and Jenny

Our Care Home team, Dave and Jenny, are based at Culm Valley Integrated Centre for Health.  The team support the GPs by undertaking weekly virtual ward rounds to our care homes, providing reviews and devising care plans for residents.



The midwives undertake antenatal clinics, and parenting classes – a chance to prepare.  Most of our patients have their babies either in the maternity unit at Tiverton Hospital, or in the consultant unit at Exeter.  Subsequent 6 week post natal checks are performed at the surgery by the GP. The team can be contacted via Tiverton Hospital

To arrange a booking-in appointment, please contact Tiverton Hospital – 01884 235416 at around 8 weeks.

Health Visitors

The Health Visiting Team for this practice is based in the Culm Valley Integrated Centre for Health along with the other community nurses.


The Community Physiotherapists are based at the Culm Valley Integrated Centre for Health. You will be referred to the Physiotherapist if required by the GP or Nurse Practitioner. You will then be contacted directly by letter with an appointment. They can be contacted on 01884 836016.

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:30am to 06:30pm
    Alternate weeks till 8pm
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:30am to 06:30pm
    Alternate weeks till 8pm
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:30am to 06:30pm
    Once a month till 8pm
  • Saturday
    09:00am to 05:00pm
    Once a month
  • Sunday
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